Are you invisible? Sometimes it can feel like it, especially when you’re on stage. But it’s tough to figure out if you’re dealing with a low-volume voice, overt denial because your scene partner(s) just didn’t like what you threw down, or you don’t conform to the regionally set improv standard.
This book gives you all the tips to deal with team mates who deny you, from getting one of those speaker things you clip to your belt to make sure they all hear you, to wearing a bigger hat. And everything in between.
Chapter 1: Getting denied can be fun, if you believe in yourself.
Chapter 2: They ignored your set location… now what?
Chapter 3: They ignored your walk-on… now what?
Chapter 4: They ignored your character gift… now what?
Chapter 5: They ignored your edit move… now what?
Chapter 6: They ignored your request to help organize team events… now what?
Chapter 7: They ignored your request to start calling you by your actual name… now what?
Chapter 8: Being visible on stage without identifying as a cishet white guy
Author: Jen deHaan
“Why do they let her keep writing?” – Berg.
“I’m pretty sure those so-called “gifts”, as described in the examples, are being ignored for a reason. But yeah Chapter 8 needed to be said by someone, and I don’t think this author has anything left to lose at this point.” – Anonymous Improviser